Monday, July 30, 2007

Weird Things Happening

I often find that whatever is happening in my experiences is about to happen with my clients. I learn from the event and then clients who need the knowledge show up. It's worked that way for me for years. This time I am encountering a time period where weird things are happening to a number of fellow healers. Some of the ways this energy is manifesting include getting fingers caught and seriously cut in car doors, being attacked by yellow jackets, migraines, car accidents, or a disturbing drop in regular client appointments.

One healer hasn’t had a migraine in ten years and was taken down a little over a week ago. I haven’t had a car accident in 14 years and had one a week ago. Another healer was closing the same car door she’s closed for years and still can’t figure out how her hand got caught in the latch to cause a deep cut two weeks ago. Because we all know each other, we have been able to help each other facilitate rapid healing processes. Another healer who has had the fortune to have a very steady clientele for four years has experienced a precipitous decline in appointments in the last two months. In fact, we all have experienced that phenomenon. WHAT is going on? That is the big question on our minds.

My car accident has helped bring some answers. I did three things that have helped me and I’m sharing with you. First of all, I followed my own advice and got IMMEDIATE care after the accident. I received energy healing, chiropractic care, and craniosacral therapy to prevent the whiplash, mild concussion, and overall disruption of systems to set up any memory in my body.

Secondly, I meditated and set an intention to only look for the positive things that occurred and will only accept that there is good in this situation. It may not look like it as I drop a chunk of money on car repairs and related expenses, but I have learned that what is in our highest good doesn’t always look the way we think it should.

Thirdly, I looked to the collective energies that have been surrounding us as so many people begin to experience similar events. When I shared what happened to me, other healers began sharing similar stories. What we all feel is that there has been a big shift in the collective energies of the planet that is causing a rise in vibration. These infusions of new energy seem to require some dramatic ways to knock out the old patterns and low vibrations we have been carrying around. The message I received is to be focused on my purpose but be flexible and non-resistant to the energies that buffet me around, seemingly trying to knock me off course.

One healer likened it to dancing with ocean waves. As she taught her 9-year-old son to ride the waves, she realized that it’s best to keep watching the wave as it approaches. Rather than turn against the wave, she told him, watch it as it comes in and when he feels it begin to come over him, jump into the wave. The force of the water lifts him up, keeping his head and shoulders above the wave. He never losses sight of the ocean as he is temporarily moving with the water’s ebb and flow. He learned that by doing this, he won’t drown and he can experience what it’s like to sort of body surf. I can’t think of a more appropriate analogy for what’s happening to all of us at this time.

We are all experiencing a cleansing of old patterns and energies right now. This will manifest in any number of ways and will be similar but individual to each person. I learned that stubbornly clinging to one way to do things is no longer serving me. I can keep my eye on the prize while riding the waves with flexibility. Learning to move with, instead of trying to bulldoze through, these energies makes life a lot easier. Doing what it takes to make sure I stay in that state of flexibility is my job at this time.

Bodywork, energy work, meditation, group support, exercise, and having fun are the best ways to do my job. Check in with yourself. What are the best ways for you to clear old energy?

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