Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Role of Sexual Violence in Humanity's Spiritual Evolution

There is attention being paid to the sex offenders laws in a part of California. This is being fueled by the news media's focus on a recent case of child abduction and rape taking place around San Diego. There are a few outraged people who are now doing the old village people's dance of "Let's hunt 'em down and kill 'em!" While I may have empathy for the sentiment, the reaction has never had any impact on sexual violence and it never will. Sexual violence is part of Humanity's psyche. Until Humanity decides that sexual violence no longer serves It, it will persist.
'Cut it Off!' doesn't stop sexual abuse or rape. Sexual violation takes many forms and doesn't have to include a penis. Cutting the penis off doesn't stop the production of the chemicals that cause sexual behaviors and it doesn't stop the psychological impulse pedophiles have. Sexual violence has been around for as long as there have been humans on this planet. There isn't an easy answer on how to stop it. If there were, we'd have figured out how to stop war. As a Legacy Breaker in my family and having done a lot of work in this area on a few different levels, I've come to the realization that on a spiritual level, Humanity will need to decide that this behavior no longer serves its needs before it stops. 
What can we, as individuals, do about it? We can work on ourselves to become more spiritually enlightened. Our thoughts create our reality and those thoughts radiate out into the collective consciousness. We can examine our own reactions to sex, sexuality, and intimate interactions. What are our own blocks? Where are our resistances? When we reach a critical mass in this area, we'll begin to see things change. Sexual violence could become an anomaly rather than a fact of every day life.
Looking at the spiritual perspective, we are Human Beings. We are Spiritual Beings having a Human experience. We agreed to experience the duality of Light and Dark. Sexual violence is a part of that experience, as much as we abhor it. When We, as collective Humanity, figure out what part of the Collective Psyche needs to be healed around this Shadow experience, it will stop. Until then, the best reaction we can have it to figure out how the experience helps us heal the Shadow parts of ourselves as individuals. 
Sexual violence is about Personal Power. The perpetrator chooses not to have any and seeks out 'victims' to use as energetic batteries. This is energy vampirism. The person who spiritually agreed to let this happen, experiences the human reactions that accompany sexual violation. From the human level, the 'victim' gets to decide how they will react to the experience as part of their spiritual growth process. The human reaction can be anything ranging from death to mental illness to living as a victim/survivor to becoming a healed human being. How each individual of the experience chooses to react is based on that person's intent for this lifetime. No one else gets to decide that. 

The recent focus on sexual violence is part of a cycle that has been occurring for many, many years. American society doesn't focus on it for a number of years and then something shifts. All of a sudden, it seems that the villagers are ready to bring out the pitch forks and start burning rapists and pedophiles at the stake. I haven't figured out why this happens but I would like to theorize that it happens because Humanity has reached a new level on the Spiral of Spiritual Evolution. The 'villager' reaction serves us as much as an enlightened reaction. The chaos that ensues is helping Humanity break through to a new level of healing and spiritual vibration.
Collectively, perhaps Humanity is ready to learn and heal an aspect of Its Shadow self. If this were true, then the individual reaction of each one of us is critical to the healing of the planet. There is no one best reaction. There is no good or bad way to behave. Judgment does not serve us. All any of us can do is to discern what is right for us at this particular time for our own individual spiritual journeys. 

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