Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Microcosm Mirrors The Macrocosm

From an energetic point of view, Sarah Palin represents the choice we get to make about where we are vibrationally on the planet. Never before in the history of this country's elections has the choice of a vice president mattered so much. There is a real possibility that neither Obama nor McCain will survive their first terms in office. It is speculated that McCain is to die of stress and Obama will be assassinated. by the fanatics who will be outraged. while nobody wants to manifest such a thing, the deaths of either candidate will cause a major fundamental shift in the energetic psyche of this country. Will we choose to lead the world through the dominoes of global depression that have started to fall or will we close the door, so to speak, and tell the world to go to hell? Will we allow ourselves to arrange new growth opportunities that allow us to flow easily into a new paradigm that allows for a smoother ride through these chaotic times or will we choose the hard path and have to experience social, cultural, and economic revolution similar to what we experienced in the 1960's?

We are poised and ready to make an enlightened decision. Either way, whoever ends up leading this country in the next four years, there will be the appearance of hard times. The choice we make now is whether to move through them smoothly or the hard way. Sarah Palin represents the hard way. Joe Biden represents the easier way. How do you want to move through the chaos we are about to experience?

We will not end up back where we've been if McCain/Palin get elected. That's impossible. There are too many things occurring that are initiating global transformation. The U.S. is meant to lead that process. Biden will find himself having to be extremely creative in handling the events of the next four years. If he's as good on foreign policy as we hope he is, there will be a number of energetic blocks to the transformation process that will fall away with grace and ease.

However, if Palin is the one, she will become a lightening rod for social, economic, and cultural change. This is not a bad thing, but it is going to be the harder way for global transformation to take place. We have an opportunity to choose whether we will make global transformation easy or hard. The energies are such that we don't have to do things the hard way anymore. Our task at the moment is to get the global consciousness shifted into the new dynamic of flow, ease, and grace and out of the mentality of the ego which has our faith invested in the falsehood that transformation must be hard.

This national transformation is being mirrored in individual lives. There are ways to make the challenge of emotional and spiritual shifts easier to integrate and accept. How each of us chooses to move through personal chaos will be how the nation moves through global chaos. The microcosm mirrors the macrocosm. If we collectively choose the easier path on our individual journeys, the national journey will also choose the easier path. Now is the time to prove the spiritual theory that thought plus feeling equals manifestation. Use your thoughts and feelings to manifest easy lessons and gentle transformation in your life. Watch what happens to the national psyche as it happens in your life. It will be wonderful to watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really, when I've come to your blog to find more about spirituality and bodywork, I wasn't expecting to find you expounding on your political opinions. Please realize that people like me are coming to your blog to find out about your services. We are not interested in your political views. In fact, voicing political views is concerning to me because it indicates you may not be as well in touch spiritually as I had hoped. As well, may not believe in the laws of attraction and that the political situation during which you wrote was not even *about* these four individuals you've named.

It's never a good idea to bring your opinionated views of religion or politics to a forum that is apparently supposed to serve the public, with likely the primary goals being let clients know about you, what you do, and the quality of work they can expect from you. And it's not just doing a disservice and being disrespectful to those who strongly disagree with you or have no strong political views. Those who completely agree with you are only accepting another viewpoint laid out in front of them rather than actively questioning, learning new things, and forming their own opinion, which is what all of us should be doing--but not here, in a blog about where we expect to find a partisan-free forum.