Thursday, March 11, 2010

Energy Vampirism in the Workplace

I teach that there is value in experiencing the Shadow side of life and how to use chaos and fear effectively. I define evil from a psychological, energetic, metaphysical and spiritual perspective that helps people to recognize and discern (not judge) how to apply spiritual principle to difficult situations. The concepts taught are helping people understand what is happening to them on a human level and validates their human experiences. Then they learn how to apply spiritual principles from Buddha, Jesus, Jungian psychology, and metaphysicians to move out of the human experience into the place where they can come into closer contact with their true spiritual nature. How does this apply to a business situation?

This is best illustrated with the following story: Recently, I met a group of middle management employees of a major Atlanta-based international organization at a local Starbucks, quite by accident. When I heard one of them mention 'malignant narcisscist' and 'borderline personality disorder', I realized that they were talking about behaviors that I call "energy vampirism". They were discussing a serious situation that existed with an upper level manager who was psychologically/verbally abusing lower level managers and team members. One of the members of the group described how her health has been affected over the course of the last two years and what she's been doing to try to keep her job. She has run the gamut of doctors, EAP options, business coaches, and finally consulted an EEO attorney. She has no recourse. Psychological abuse is not a crime and she has no legal way to mediate the situation. She loves her job and her team. She has no way to protect them from this manager as she has had to spend all her time protecting herself. At this point, I introduced myself and my book, Transformation of Evil to them. I teach people how to deal with situations exactly like this one. Everyone at the table resonated with the information and bought a book.

That was a chance meeting at a Starbucks. What kind of impact could this information have if it were disseminated to a larger audience? If you would like to sponsor a workshop, talk, or seminar, please contact me.

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